Now I know that fried foods are the last thing I need to add to my repertoire of recipes, but sometimes it's nice to try out something brand new and unlike anything I have tried before.
Like many non-Southerners, my first intro to fried green tomatoes was the classic film of the same name released back in the 90s. But until last week, I had never tried a fried green tomato or even considered frying one up myself. I have to thank my colleague, Sneha, for the inspiration. She mentioned to me last week that she was going to try making this classic Southern snack, and it just sounded so tasty. It kept popping up in my mind. In retrospect, that was a good thing. Because when I walked through the farmer's market on Saturday and spied the green tomatoes, I was ready to commit to a new cooking experiment.
I went with
a recipe from the Food Network that seemed reasonably easy. A wash made of buttermilk and egg. A couple of tomatoes, sliced into wedges.
After the buttermilk bath, the tomato wedges got a tumble in a cornmeal mix, followed by a dunking in some sizzling hot oil.
Two sizzling minutes on each side, and then the tomatoes reclined for a moment on a paper towel before being served up (and, ahem, sprinkled with crumbled bacon--hey, the recipe calls for it) and gobbled up in about 10 minutes flat. The crispy crust outside, the warm, moist, and miraculously non-mushy tomato inside... Yes, this is a Southern classic worth trying. Just remind me to keep it to a once-a-year indulgence.
these look delicious. I shouldn't be eating fried foods but it can be so, so good! Try plaintains too. mmmm
i have 3 things to say about this:
#1 - as a Southerner, let me just say that, despite what food network says, i have never, ever seen a fried green tomato cut into wedges. BUT i think cutting them into wedges is a good idea - especially for someone who has never made them before. when you slice them, it can be hard to keep the breading on them and it's really harsh when you lose it in the grease.
#2 - bacon and cooking in bacon fat rule all
#3 - these look absolutely delicious. well done! wish i could've been there! i'm glad you tried them and liked them. for me, they are an obsession - though nobody makes 'em like my grandmama did! i try not to have them more than once (or twice) a year either - keeps them special!
Oh. Yum. You had me even before you mentioned bacon.
oi vey, i wish i had timed my arrival at your place a bit better so i could get my teeth into some of these! and i love the photos and the explanation! very 'smitten kitchen'! maybe next year you can invite me over for some???
Chessa - Mmm, plaintains. I love those too. So tempting...
Springtreeroad - When I imagined making fried green tomatoes I actually did envision slices! But I figured, better follow the recipe on my first try. And I think it really was easier.
Gillian - Bacon improves just about anything.
Amy - I'll trade you some fried green tomatoes for a cappuccino! Or some mint ice cream!
Fried Green Tomatoes is a pretty twisted flick when you think about it.
Okay these look amazing and also far too tempting for a girl with green tomatoes coming out of her ears. I especially love the shot with tomatoes sizzling in the pan.
I loved watching that movie when I was younger (and still do), fried green tomatoes are so delicious. Although it's been a really long time since I've had any!
My mouth is watering :o)
oh my! i was just thinking the other day that i'd loooooove to make up a batch of these! they look delightful and your decision to cut in wedges is fab. i had some of these at a restaurant in DC early in the summer, they served it with a sweet creamy but spicy mayo concoction that was divine.
i loved the movie but the book was much better. :)
I too have been thinking about fried green tomatoes! I even have a couple from the garden I've been thinking of frying up.
Mmm, that does look good :-)
Evan - Yes, a little twisted. I quite agree.
Sabrina - A great dish to try if your garden is overflowing with green tomatoes!
Wayfaring Wanderer - I know, my mouth is watering just thinking of them!
Angry Asian - Ooh, spicy mayo. THAT sounds like a great sauce.
Jeremy - Try it out!
Angie - Thanks!
yum! they look awesome!
are green tomatoes a specific type of tomato? or are they just picked before they ripen? (sorry, i'm from australia so i really don't know!)
you say [fried green] tomato, i *slurp*!
let's call the whole thing off, doot doot dooo...
what a wonderful delight your blog is :) i'm so glad you wandered over so i could find you!
thetinylittlegirl - They actually are tomatoes that just haven't ripened yet. If you wait around for a while, they will turn red!
Roza - Thanks for visiting! Now I've got that song stuck in my head... ;)
mmmmmm mmmm...looks scumptdiddlyuptious!
comfies - no kidding!
limonana - I love scrumdiddlyumptious!
ummmm.....MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! i can hear them sizzling...
i was just thinking about these the other day - what real fried green tomatoes were (since i'm a born & bred southern california girl, i've never had them). these look delicious!
Bonbon Oiseau - Yes, there was LOTS of sizzling going on!
Ann - They really are worth a try!
oh, wow, that looks great!
Thanks Karin, it really was.
Have to try it if I could come over some green tomatoes.
Oooh I so need to try this....this is not something that gets eaten in our part of the world.
I have yet to try a Fried Green Tomato... I'm really not much of a tomato fan... but maybe I should at least taste one of these... hmmm... and maybe with a let spicy salsa.
HEY where have you been? Do you post regularly on your other blog?
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