Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Perfect Weekend

It is a truth universally acknowledged (or pretty much so) that the best weekends begin with a leisurely cup of coffee while sitting in the sunshine, perhaps with a freshly baked banana-coconut muffin. If you can share those morning moments with an awesome cousin and her husband visiting from Chicago, your weekend is already well on its way to perfect.

Following coffee, the perfect weekend might include a walk through the neighborhood to enjoy some lovely spring weather (on perfect weekends the temperature is 60 degrees at least) and to admire the trees and flowers that suddenly seem to be blooming everywhere.

After that a visit to the neighborhood farmers' market might be in order. And if you enjoy photography, and you happen to have just replaced your polarizing filter recently, that might be just the place to test it out on a crate of apples.

Any truly perfect weekend is not complete without some activity. And if one is not inclined to be particularly active oneself (for example, if you have pretty much avoided the gym since running the marathon last November), being a spectator is a very satisfying alternative.

After a couple of hours sitting under the trees watching the soccer game and the children zooming by on their scooters, you might enjoy some lunch and then head into Manhattan to walk the city streets, see a few sights, and catch up with your out-of-town guests.

Now if you're really going for a 10 out of 10 weekend (and this basically hardly ever happens) you will get to enjoy some of your very favorite foods for dinner, and will top that off with a hot fudge sundae from the Shake Shack for dessert. That would be followed by an enjoyable movie (or episode of BBC's Planet Earth) and yet more excellent conversation.

And that's only Day 1 of the perfect weekend!

Day 2 might be a trip to Brooklyn Flea--especially exciting if it's something you have been anticipating for a while. After browsing the work of local designers and craftsmen and looking for diamonds in the flea market rough (and finding some) , you might enjoy a cappuccino at a local cafe with some friends, both old and new.

Now, people in the know may differ on this point, but I firmly feel no weekend is really perfect without getting at least something constructive accomplished. But if it is a perfect weekend, that constructive thing will not be doing the laundry or vacuuming, because those things are not enjoyable at all. Enjoyable constructive accomplishments suited to a perfect weekend are things like organizing your spice cabinet or, even better, clearing out and reorganizing your closet (perhaps putting the lovely hat boxes you found at Brooklyn Flea to good use by using them to store purses, belts, scarves and the like).

The only imperfect thing is that weekends that perfect come around so rarely. That is why it is important to finish off such a weekend with a blog post to remind yourself to enjoy weekends like those more often.


Ashkon said...

bye bye weekend.

Brianna said...

I like how you totally gloss over the fact that it was FREEZING at the flea market. Way to look on the sunny side.

(nice to meet you too!)

montague said...

it sounds like an absolute fantastic weekend! glad i got to share a bit of it with you!!

limonana said...

such a wonderful weekend you had! if i shared mine with you it might have the total opposite effect (bronchitis/work/absent husband/sad film noir). I love the photo collage of your flea market experience, it looks like it was such fun!

Anonymous said...

I thought New Yorkers did this kind of stuff every weekend.

jessamyn said...

so perfect indeed!
thanks for the deliciousness...

Christine said...

that IS a perfect weekend! and your pictures just floor me, lady. lovely

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend. We had sun. I had a new lens for my camera. My weekend was perfect too!

Love the flea market collage.

Elizabeth said...

Ash - so sad.

Bri - Yes, the freezing Sunday part did not fit with my perfect weekend theme, so I decided to leave it out!

Amy - Thanks for organizing the trip to Brooklyn Flea!

Limonana - Oh no! Feel better soon!

Evan - I wish!

Jessamyn - Thank you for visiting!

Christine - Thanks for your comment and the shout-out on your blog!

Kacey - Nothing better than a new lens. I saw some of your shots--amazing!

Sabrina said...

What a great way to spend the weekend! There is something magical about Spring in the city. And I love your collection of pictures from the Brooklyn Flea. I so needed a little flea market/tag sale fix.

Elizabeth said...

Sabrina - Every once in a while I feel the need for that flea market fix too. I think I may be feeling it more often now that Brooklyn Flea is down the street.

bee said...

what beautiful pictures!!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Bee!

Unknown said...

I love the weekend. I love this post and all the details in the photos...especially the flea market shots.